Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Helping Someone Sing Their Song

On Sunday morning, I told of a highlight at Music and Arts Week this past week at Sumatanga. Music and Arts Week is always amazing for our children, youth, and adults who attend. This year, the moment that touched my heart most was not the closing concert but a serendipity at the Thursday night talent show.

A young woman got up to sing a beautiful song a cappella. She had a pretty voice. She started out wonderfully, but soon began fumbling over the words time and again. You could tell she was nervous. You could see the pain on her face. But then I saw the magic happen. Somebody spoke up. “My friend knows how to play it on her guitar, can she help you?” She went to the front to support her with accompaniment.

The singer gained confidence but was still a little shaky, so the guitarist began to sing along quietly in the background to support her. Soon everybody else was singing along quietly to help her. She gained confidence and beauty. The song ended with a round of applause. And I realized I had watched the gospel happen.

This is what it means to be a church. We’ve got each other’s back. We lift each other up. We do not cut each other down. We don’t criticize and judge, or gossip and express negativity behind other people’s backs.

Instead, if someone is struggling or having trouble, we choose to help them sing their song.