Below is my original blog post and brief liturgy.
Sunday, we are doing a "Blessing of the Toys" at Grace. I will be quoted in the Huntsville Times today about why. The article by Kay Campbell will read:
The idea for that service is to help children understand a link between the gifts they receive and the ones the magi from the East brought to the child Jesus, Grace Pastor Steve West said. But it’s more than that, too. "'The Blessing of the Toys' is a way we help kids connect their faith in Christ with the main way they learn and grow, which is play,” West said. “We want them to learn that God blesses our play, in fact that God blesses the whole of who we are."
I have a freshly written liturgy we will use. I share it in hopes that you have a Merry Christmas:
When God made Adam and Eve and placed them in the garden, he put them in charge of taking good care of the earth. They named the animals and began to work with the land.
Ever since then, girls and boys, women and men have enjoyed not only work but play. God gave us the ability to make games and invent toys to help us enjoy ourselves and enjoy growing in our love for each other.
The tradition of Christmas gifts for children began with magi from the east, who brought little Jesus three gifts of delight. So today, let us hold up our toys and hold them high.
(the children hold up their toys)
Let’s remember the one who made us, and gave us hearts and minds that love to have fun, to share, and to grow as we play. Let us pray …
“Bless our toys, oh Lord. Help us be truly grateful for the time you give us to play. Help all of our play to be holy play. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Ever since then, girls and boys, women and men have enjoyed not only work but play. God gave us the ability to make games and invent toys to help us enjoy ourselves and enjoy growing in our love for each other.
The tradition of Christmas gifts for children began with magi from the east, who brought little Jesus three gifts of delight. So today, let us hold up our toys and hold them high.
(the children hold up their toys)
Let’s remember the one who made us, and gave us hearts and minds that love to have fun, to share, and to grow as we play. Let us pray …
“Bless our toys, oh Lord. Help us be truly grateful for the time you give us to play. Help all of our play to be holy play. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”