Saturday, June 12, 2021

Church of All-Embracing Love

Here's a word from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who wrote this in Germany during the rise of Nazi power. It is amazing how much it applies to our times:

"A church of faith - even if it is the most orthodox faith that faithfully adheres to the creeds - is of no use if it is not even more a church of pure and all-embracing love ... It is of no use to us for us to confess our faith in Christ if we have not gone first and reconciled ourselves to our brothers and sisters, even to the godless, racially different, ostracized, and outcast. And a church that calls a nation to faith in Christ must itself be the burning fire of love in this nation, the driving force for reconciliation, the place in which all the fires of hatred are extinguished and prideful, hate-filled people are turned into people who love."

From "A Testament to Freedom" p. 249