Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Communion Song "This Is the Table of Welcome"

I am continuing to post on my blog some things which I have published elsewhere. I wrote the words to "This is the Table of Welcome" and our music director at Grace UMC, Nylea Butler-Moore, set it beautifully to music. It can be sung congregationally or as a solo or duet.

It was originally published by Abingdon Press in the periodical "Church Music Workshop." The music is available for downloadable purchase at the Cokesbury Website. Here is the text:

Refrain: This is the table of welcome, this is the font of God’s grace.
This is the book of love’s beckon, this is the warmest embrace.
Come at the Lord’s invitation, join in the peace of this place.
We are God’s newest creation, gathered in this holy space.

Joseph received all his brothers, setting the stage for amends.
Abraham showered three others, welcoming strangers as friends.
Those to whom grace has been given find that their circle extends.
Love is our reason for living, people the gift that God sends.


“I was the stranger you neighbored, I was the hungry you fed,
I was the prisoner you favored.” These are the words Jesus said.
Welcoming sister and brother into the banquet he spread,
We’ll find the Christ in each other, known in the breaking of bread.


Christ is the source of all healing, he is the kiss of God’s peace.
His light and love are revealing, he brings the joy of release.
All who are hungry and thirsty find that their yearnings will cease,
Wrapped in the arms of his mercy. Come, be his guest at the feast!
