The congregation stands and takes three deep breaths and exhales, breathing in the presence of the Spirit.
Lord, our minds seek to know you, our hearts long to feel you, and our souls desire to serve you. Come, Holy Spirit! Come, Holy Spirit!
Fill us with the passionate fire of your love, blow our minds with your holy wind, pour out a rush of living water through every inch of us. Come, Holy Spirit! Come, Holy Spirit!
Make us, while many, one. Make us, though broken, whole. Make us, despite death, alive. And so we cry, Come, Holy Spirit! Come, Holy Spirit!
And so the church shouts, Come, Holy Spirit! Come, Holy Spirit!
And so the earth pleads, Come, Holy Spirit! Come, Holy Spirit!
May we become the fire you light under us. May we become the wind you blow through us. May we become the water you pour into us, that we may reveal you to others, and know you ourselves. Come, Holy Spirit! Come, Holy Spirit!
Amen. And Amen.
By Stephen P. West. A small portion is adapted from “Eucharistic Prayer: Triple Praise” by Gail Ramshaw.