Wednesday, September 5, 2012

God Before Us

I realized that I have not included one of my hymns on the list of publications found in the right column of my blog.

I composed the tune and text of "God Before Us" which emphasizes the immanence of God's grace.

The music can be found by clicking the link to the General Board of Discipleship Worship Website.

The text is below.

“God Before Us”

God, before us as we seek,
Yours the path, our guiding.
Word, our lamp and light of day,
Show your will abiding.

God, behind us as we walk,
Make our way unswerving.
Hands and lips in concert sing,
Into freedom serving.

God, below us as we fall,
Weakened knee, our binding.
Race ahead, we take our cross,
Strength in weakness finding.

God, above us as we reach,
Yours the earth our grounding.
With creation, lift our praise,
Guide our understanding.

Copyright 1994 by Stephen P. West, all rights reserved