Saturday, September 11, 2021

On Vaccinations


We are at the ER tonight, where my father-in-law has been stuck in a gurney for hours because there are 90 beds and 140 patients.

- 90% of Covid patients in hospitals are unvaccinated.
- 95% of Covid patients who die here are unvaccinated.
- Soon we will pass 5 million people in the world who have died of this.
- 80 million people in the US are eligible for a free vaccination and refuse to get one.
- The reason we have variants appearing is because everyone is not getting vaccinated quickly.
- There are no microchips being put in your bloodstream, there is no conspiracy to take your rights away, Dr. Fauci is not a liar, and the vaccination is safe.
- If all of us can’t come together on this, it will keep going and going. More people die. This is a fact.
- This is not about personal choice. This is about what it takes to protect humanity.
- This is not about politics. It’s about compassion. Put politics aside.
- It doesn’t matter if you “don’t know what’s in it.” I don’t know what’s in a hot dog and I eat them.
- If we trust God, we should participate in the miracle that the science God created has now created.
- The vax is not just for you. It is for humanity. You’re not just taking your chances. You are endangering other people.
- It’s not about you.

Thanks for listening.

(Of course, there are people with legitimate medical conditions that do not need to take the vaccine. The rest of us should cover for you by getting ours. That’s another way we are all in this together.)