This is MLK, Jr. weekend when we observe one of the great Christian heroes of our time.
Racism in general, and white supremacy in particular, is something the Church must openly stand against. The insurrection against the capitol is a vivid reminder of just how dangerous it is to ignore the reality of extremist white supremacy in the US. The FBI has named it as our greatest domestic threat.
For the Church, calling out white supremacy is never about partisan politics. It’s about the gospel.
Jesus never mentions some of the things we get tied up in knots about in politics, so I consider those issues important, perhaps, but secondary because of the Word of God.
But no social issue is more centrally attached to the gospel of Jesus Christ than racism. Addressing issues related to conflict between Jews and Gentiles and Samaritans are everywhere in his ministry. Even gospel sermons in the early church follow the mode of Paul’s in Acts 13, where the good news of resurrection life was followed with the uncomfortable truth (for racist Jews of the time) that this good news was for both Jew and Gentile.
Stand against racism. Right now, it’s not enough to be personally not participating. We have to be faithfully anti-racist.
Years ago I published a column about this subject. In can be found on my blog