Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter - Not Just a Holiday but a HOLY Day

Years ago, when I was leading an Easter Sunrise Service, a guest from the community dropped in. After the service I went up to greet her. She shared that she didn’t have a regular church home at that time, but she always found a place to go for Easter Sunrise service. Then she said something I’ll never forget, “You know, Easter isn’t just a holiday. It’s a HOLY day!”

She pegged it. Easter is the holiest day of the year because the resurrection brought all of history together in one divine moment. Because Christ rose, all of the yearnings of faith’s history were fulfilled, and human brokenness was healed. Because Christ rose, salvation was poured out to Jew and Gentile, and power was poured out on the early church. Because Christ rose, we too are made into a new creation. The victory over the grave propels us into a lifelong process of being transformed into the image of Christ, from one degree of glory into another.