This is the liturgy I adapted for the consecration of our new Grace Ministry Center. I share it with you because it expresses my prayers and hopes for this holy space!Invitation (Pastor)
Consecration is the historic tradition of
Setting aside land or buildings for sacred use in perpetuity.
From the most ancient times of church practice,
The consecration of a church building has been a sacred task of a bishop.
William Willimon, resident bishop of the North Alabama Conference
Of the United Methodist Church, leads us in these holy moments.
Declaration of Purpose (District Superintendent)
Brothers and sisters in Christ, this is a day of rejoicing.
We have come together to consecrate the Grace Ministry Center to the glory of God.
You have sought the will of God,
Listened to the desires of hearts,
Discerned the movement of the Spirit,
And negotiated a plan in good faith.
God’s people have responded with generous giving
And the sharing of time and talents in planning and constructing this project.
Now we are standing within these walls,
Preparing to see life emerge from this bold vision.
We pause to offer all of who we are and all that we have
To the glory of God through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Presentation (Chair of Building Committee)Bishop Willimon,
We present this building to be consecrated
For the ministries of recreation, fellowship, study, nurture, and mission.
It is our desire that lives are changed and people are touched
By all that happens within these walls.
Act of Consecration (Bishop)Dear friends, it is with joy that we consecrate the Grace Ministry Center
To the glory of God and for the transformation of lives.
“Unless the Lord builds the house,
The laborers build it in vain.” (Psalm 127:1)
Let us give ourselves anew to the service of God:
Our minds, that they may be renewed after the image of Christ;
Our bodies, that they may be fit temples for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit;
Our spirits, that they may soar according to God's will;
And our labors, that their fruit may glorify Christ’s name.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit:
We consecrate this building.For the fellowship of the body of Christ and hospitality for honored guests,
We consecrate this building.For the recreation of the human body and the building of character,
We consecrate this building.For the renewal of the mind for all who come here seeking truth,
We consecrate this building.For the empowering of a new generation of Christians,
We consecrate this building.For the ministry of the arts that glorify God and lift up God’s people,
We consecrate this building.For the equipping of the saints for ministry that makes a difference,
We consecrate this building.We consecrate ourselves anew
To the service of others in our community and world.
May all that happens at the Grace Ministry Center
Glorify God, proclaim Christ, and serve others.