Thursday, July 27, 2023

On the phrase “Love the sinner, hate the sin”

I have grown to detest this phrase.

It carries the pretense of being loving, with the undergirding reality that we assume we are “holier than thou.” I imagine it sounds so different to the one being judged than the one doing the judging. Yes, it’s judgment … because we are attempting to identify what another person’s sin is.

Not only that, let’s be honest. Folks who use this phrase are almost always talking about one thing. Nobody uses it when we talk about people’s addiction, or lying, or cheating on their taxes.

Here’s the thing. The only things the Lord “hates,” according to scripture, are “haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.” Look it up.

I wonder if people who presume to righteously hate other people’s sin realize that it may be their own sin the Lord truly hates.

Our calling is to love God and neighbor, my friends.