Sunday, June 9, 2024

"One Three Nine" by Aubrey Logan

To have a listen, click ONE THREE NINE.

I was excited that Psalm 139 came up in the lectionary. During the early days of the pandemic, I fell in love with the jazz of Aubrey Logan. She does trombone and vocals with a rhythmic fusion of jazz, pop, and rock, and sometimes her music has religious overtones (in addition to generally wholesome themes). I suspect she has a United Methodist background, because she has a number of times quoted things found in our hymnal. This selection is a good example.

I presented Aubrey Logan's "One Three Nine" in worship in June of 2024. I share it here in hopes that it helps you get in touch with the inescapable love of God through the words of Psalm 139.

Notice that she quotes "Oh, How I Love Jesus" at the beginning and the end. She didn't just do that because it's a pretty tune, she did it because it's a theological statement. She wraps the love of our Creator, who searches and knows us intricately, together with Christ in the last verse, in fact.

To have a listen, click ONE THREE NINE.